The sound level of the AIIR Watch is too high for my application, what are my options?

The AIIR Watch unit is a single speed and cannot be turned down; the majority of the noise is coming from the air moving at 350 CFM. 

The following two options will help decrease the noise level in your space: 

  1.  Point the exhaust (at the back of the unit) toward the wall, ~1 foot away. Purchase sound attenuation foam and place this on the wall where the exhaust air is blowing into. The sterilized exhaust air hits the sound attenuation foam before being recirculated through the room.
  2. If the size of your space allows, purchase a free-standing fabric partition and place between the unit and the office personnel. Since the unit is still “in the room” this will have no effect on performance of the recirculated sterilized air.